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Salamanders, who belong to the order Caudata, are secretive amphibians with long tails and slender builds. Many of these species depend on vernal pools to breed in, however these behaviors greatly vary. Larvae may be aquatic or terrestrial depending on the salamander species. Aquatic larvae are easily recognizable by their feather gills, which are absorbed during metamorphosis for terrestrial species. There are over 600 species of salamanders, and 12 can be found in Connecticut. A majority are lungless salamanders, Plethodontidae, who lack lungs and respirate through their skin. Many mole salamanders, Ambystoma, can also be found in the state. These salamanders spend much of their time underground in burrows. Others such as mudpuppies in the family Proteidae are fully aquatic species, while Salamandridae, also known as newts, spend most of their lives in water as well. 

To learn more about the salamanders found in Connecticut, click on a species below:

Blue-Spotted Salamander

Ambystoma laterale

State Status: Critically Imperiled 

Cody Limber Litchfield County Blue Spotted (iNaturalist).jpg

Photographed by Cody Limber

Common Mudpuppy

Necturus maculosus

State Status: Vulnerable 
Special Concern

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Eastern Red-backed Salamander

Plethodon cinereus

State Status: Secure

Christine Young Sharon Red Backed (iNaturalist).jpg

Photographed by Christine Young

Four-toed salamander

Hemidactylium scutatum

State Status: Apparently Secure

Photographed by Sophia Marler

Jefferson Salamander

Ambystoma jeffersonianum

State Status: Vulnerable
Special Concern

Photographed by stevejr

Marbled Salamander

Ambystoma opacum

State Status: Apparently Secure

Photographed by Severin Uebbing

Northern Dusky Salamander

Desmognathus fuscus

State Status: Apparently Secure

Photographed by Dylan Benoit

Northern Slimy Salamander

Plethodon glutinosus

State Status: Imperiled

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Northern Spring Salamander

Gyrinophilus porphyriticus porphyriticus

State Status: Imperiled

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Northern Two-lined Salamander

Eurycea bislineata

State Status: Secure

Alyssa Jones Newtown Two Lined_edited.jpg

Photographed by Alyssa Jones

Red-spotted Newt

Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens

State Status: Secure

Christine Young Sharon Red Spotted (iNaturalist).jpg

Photographed by Christine Young

Spotted Salamander

Ambystoma maculatum

State Status: Secure

Photographed by Stephanie Campbell

© January 2024 by Alyssa Jones. Created with

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